We’ve got a showdown of epic proportions Sunday against the Titan, and the Warmachine tournament Saturday!
If you want to get your Warmachien on, be sure to come tomorrow, Saturday and get in on the fun.
Sunday is the Apoc game vs. Joe Drache’s awesome titan! Come and bring your 1,000pts to try and bring this big dog down!
See you all here this weekend.
Disney got canceled So Jake and I will try to be there
Looking forward to having you!
Expect me, Kyle, Kyle, Kyle, Cameron and (possibly) Michael! 😀
This is going to be great, I can tell.
Unless Kyle is rolling the saves for the Emperor Titan… ಠ_ಠ
Kyle rolling the saves would get annoying, we should have Kyle roll the saves instead of Kyle. 🙂
The Titan would never die!
One more thing; are troops needed as they have been in the past? Or is the ONLY objective to take down the Emperor Titan?
Only taking down the Titan!