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Guest Editorial by Edwin

Thinking time

Greetings everyone. It has been a while and I have gotten a few games of sixth edition in under my belt. There are a few things I really want to talk about.

These topics are a result of both several games in this new edition all having the same trends and talking with lots of people who I know have done really well in 5th edition and know what they are talking about. I have gotten the chance to talk to people from new players, all the way to people who have been to the Ard Boyz national tournament.  As someone trying to get into the tournament scene more, these choices in topics are near and dear to my heart as I try to look for patterns that happen in my own games.  Chime in with anything you guys want to add. Think of this more as a discussion then me just talking at you.  With that being said, let’s dig right in to the core of the matter with a topic I have been thinking about quite a bit.

The importance of the good ole number 2

In my slew of games, I have found that often being able to play the primary is important, but literally every game I have played has come down to secondary objectives. From my very first game, to the game I played last week, Every single sixth edition game has been decided for those seemingly added on aspects to every mission. It has gotten to the point that I have started to build army lists with the ability to play any of the primary objectives, but they specialize in completing the secondary objectives while denying them to my opponent.  Let’s begin with a break down of each of them.


Warlord traits and you

Its time to talk about the thing that is either the bane of people or their best friend.  The power of the warlord trait lies in that you don’t have to actually pick which tree you are gonna take until deployment. This means you can pick and choose which trees has the most potential for you. This is both good and bad. It means that you must make a decision before play begins. The bad part is that more often than not, these trees are either stupid or simply really too good for some randomly generated power. No one can really plan for any of this stuff. Games can be won not through play, but a simple dice roll. It is something that we must familiarize ourselves with. Here is my break down of the three trees.

My meta

What does all this boil down to? I have used what I have seen over the course of my experiences with sixth to try and develop a list that will hurt the meta and let me play how I want to. I built a list that was designed to play any mission. After that, I wanted to play the secondaries.

For warlord, I picked an incredibly sturdy warlord in nemesor zandrek. His 2+/3++ save and ability to help out the army without actually having to be in a risky position has allowed him to escape untouched for all of my games. On top of that, I have 2 death mark squads with harbingers of despair to try and kill any warlord squad as most of the personal tree (which I hate) sees its power last only as long as the warlord is alive and often coffers to his units as well. If you kill either, the powers are often useless.   First blood is often achieved through my pair of doomsday arks and ghost arks. If I go first, I have 2 long range killing pie plates to lay down the hurt. If I don’t go first, I have a solar pulse and av 13 to try and survive. You can’t count a jink save since you may not have first turn or a chance to move them. Line breaker is achieved through a combination of things from my vehicles trying to survive to my flyers coming in (of which I have 3). This also shows an interesting idea on how to deal with AA first as I think we will see an incredible amount in the coming 6th edition books. With 4 av 13 vehicles, you can safely target the anti air elements in someones list as they often don’t have the power needed to hurt your av 13 vehicles. Then, once your flyers come in, you will find the enemy doesn’t have the guns needed to hurt your flyers. All of this comes into a nice little total below 1750 points. The list looks like this.


Nemesor Zandrek

destruction tek solar pulse

Despair tek

Despair tek


5 deathmarks with night scythe

5 deathmarks with night scythe


9 warriors, ghost ark

9 warriors ghost ark

10 warriors with night scythe


Doomsday ark

Doomsday ark

Now it is important to note that I will have this finished by Friday, but I haven’t got to test the list out in all its theory, but individual parts have been tested. Everything has worked wonders for me so far save the night scythes. I haven’t gotten to use any of them as I just got them. It was the only real way to squeeze in anti air into the list that wasn’t an annihilation barge (I hate them with a passion). Anyway, that’s everything. Happy gaming everyone.

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