So, day one’s behind us, and it’s been great so far. Frankie got his butt kicked and made the team look like punks! Just kidding, he did get the beat down but we don’t look like punks! facepuncher and I both made it to the finals. I went 4-0 with footdar but didn’t win crushing victories with them and so am at the lower bottom of half of the finalists.
That’s one thing I don’t like about battle points, you have to smash your opponent to maximize your odds of winning. I prefer systems that allow you to win narrowly but still get as much credit as a big win. This encourages variety. For example, I wish I would have brought my wolves, I would be much further out in front, given the
Speaking of which, every game so far has been brutally hard! Nids, ig x 2, and then, to finish out the day……Greg Sparks and his footdar! Wtf, the 2 footdar players play each other? I understand pairings are not controlled., but lame. He had wraithguard I had loads of troops and I ended up winning on the last roll of the dice.
So it’s been fun, but I would change some of the structure. We’ll see now it pans out tomorrow, I don’t think I can win (too few battle points) but oh well, going undefeated would still be rad!