Team Zero Comp, dominating the field!
So it is some blatant bragging, but hey, if you don’t toot your own horn, no one knows your coming!
Team Zero Comp has been flirting with first place for a while now, but with the last slew of tournaments hitting the rankings, we have finally taken first place. Woot! And we took first place by a long shot too, really stacking up the points.
It’s all in good fun, and we don’t take it too seriously. But all the same, it does feel good to be number 1!
Great job guys!
Thank you much!
Well done, number one!
but ugh the ads are blocking the points column, by how much are you ahead?
Click on the picture to blow it up to full size.
And thanks!
Wow that’s odd, I was 13th before and now I’m 6th? I have a feeling a few big tourneys on the eastcoast or midwest timers just ran out, which probably helped us too.
Congrats, you bastards…
Let’s have a Wolfbrothers vs Zerocomp tourney and just beat the hell out of one another…
Sounds good!
Your rules, our house. We put you up in style, you guys make the drive…
Might be able to make that work…
The guys are actually really excited to do this if you guys are down we can have a lot of fun with it!
Hell yeah. When / what works for you guys?
Hmm, September is fucking nuts for us, we’re gone nearly every weekend. How does October work? We can make some cool promotional material too to hype it up and make it more fun!
October good for us too. Will the new Chaos Codex be out by mid-late October?
Our local store, Heroe’s Games & Hobbies, is fantastic for anything around 9 tables. We have a ton of terrain and it’s really neatly themed….Both owners are super knowledgeable and will make a great 3rd party T.O( I promise not to pay them off ).
I know you guys can haul down some serious terrain but It would be great if the only thing you have to do is drive down with your armies and compete….
Douglas can be texted at (775)997-3268
I can be called or texted at (775)813-8235
Heroes Games & Hobbies is John and Ben Allison at (775)331-0102
Awesome, sounds fun!
Be prepared for a pump up video coming in the next week or so, and prepare for your minds to be blown! hahaha
I talked to our store owners and they are downtown Julie Brown. Only events going are on the 14th. …
Wolfbrothers are Ready
Harlystar vs harlystar?
When clowns attack!
Wolfbrothers40k@gmail.com also. Tell us what you want to do. How many players, what points. The Local store runs great and fair tournaments, and is currently in the 40k Unlimited camp – full on 6th edition everything. If you want or need a specific format tell us that also. Id say its our turf, so we will first try to drink you under the table, then let the local TO do what he want at your chosen points value. Have them match Zero Comp vs Wolfbrothers only. There might be more of us then you, so each Zero comp guy plays 3 Wolfbrothers that day, Me and Oadius and maybe a couple others if necessary will rotate through as many of you as possible. Specific challenge matches could be setup if you like. We will drop a significant number of bounty prizes each round or every table to make everything extra fun and interesting. We will throw out the video pump also and try to get a sponsor or two involved. HOWL!
We will get you employee deal on great hotel with awesome bar and restaurant also. If we can work it all in and we all have the energy we could have a nice dinner after the murder on the tabletops.
Sounds awesome! We’re down for that. We’re crazy busy at the money, but we’ll get to planning next week. Sounds fun!