We have a new idea for what I think would be an awesome tournament/con/hobby weekend and we wanted community feedback.
As you all know, we here at Frontline Gaming are really big on the social aspect of gaming. We believe that tournaments are really just an excuse to come and play fun games with friends and maybe scratch that competitive itch a bit! We also like to have a lot of fun outside of the game, too. As a result, we have gotten involved with or thrown multiple events of GT size in and around California and the West Coast. The Bay Area Open, Comikaze, KingdomCon and the upcoming DuelCon are some examples of the events we’ve put on/are putting on. The feedback we’ve gotten has been pretty much universally positive as well, and a lot of folks come to our events based on the fact we’re running them alone.
In other words, people have fun at our events! That is the goal.
So, we’ve been brainstorming some ideas on ways to take these Tournaments/Hobby Weekends to the next level and one idea we’ve had is to make the events family/spouse/non-gamer friend inclusive. We understand that it is tough for a lot of folks to get away from family, work and such to have a weekend of fun. We also understand that not everyone that is affected by your gaming weekends thinks the idea of pushing toy soldiers around a table all weekend sounds all that great in the first place.
In comes the compromise! We have been in negotiations with a Resort located on a river in the desert (the exact location is being withheld for the time being) in a really beautiful area. We have gotten some outstanding rates on rooms (under $40 a night for a double in a twin tower facility) and the setting is excellent. Sunny, beautiful weather, river, pool, CASINOS, bars, restaurants, dancing, hiking, you name it. This means that the entire family can come, or your significant other, or just your buddies that aren’t into gaming and everyone can have a great time. It also means they can come and it won’t break the bank!
The tournament itself would be what you all have come to expect from us. Simple, fun, and straightforward with your fate in your hands. We rewards all aspects of the hobby on their terms.
So what do you guys think? A weekend at a resort with a great tournament format, fun for everyone and VERY affordable. Sound good? The only downside is that it is a little out of the way. From the nearest airport it is about an hour drive.
Let us know what you guys think. If this is something the community will get behind, we’ll start getting the ball rolling on it. I think this could be an awesome weekend and combination of gaming goodness, nightlife, and family fun.
I like the idea. I’m single and live on the east coast but would still try to find a way to come out to that event. If I lose early, I could leisurely hike and swim rest of the time. I would even consider staying on a few days after the event and make a mini vacation out of it.
There are a LOT of positive reasons for having a tourney at such a venue – I hope it comes together.
Awesome, thanks for the feedback! We think it is a great idea as well, and want to go for it, but it is a big financial commitment on our part and we want to make sure the enthusiasm is there for it, first.
Sounds like a cool idea. I live in Washington and I have flown to Cali and Chicago for events so it would be cool to bring the wife and kid.
Rad! That is good to know. This would be the kind of event that would be fun for everyone in the fam to come and enjoy. Plenty to do and see all day. I think the idea has a lot of merit.
My wife approves…especially if its in palm springs on the weekend of July 5th when i’ll already be there =P
Hahaha, now that would be a great coincidence!
I think this is the kind of event the wife and kids could really enjoy.
One possible thing you could do is spread the games around so people can be with Family for a few hours then game,
Friday Night 8:30-10:45 (maybe work out first round matchups in advance and make this somewhat flexible)
Sat 2 games before 1 (rest of the afternoon off)
Sunday 2 games before lunch, awards after 6
That is actually an excellent idea. That way you can enjoy most of the day and get some sunshine while you game in the mornings.
We could even run mini tournaments after the morning main events so that those who want to game further can do so.
This sounds like an excellent idea. The timing of this event would be key in determining how many people would potentially attend with families etc. The weather influences many of the activities you mentioned. Overall I would certainly love an never run by your team that was someplace I could convince my wife to go to!
Cool! Glad to hear you like the sound of it.
We want to time it well so as not to conflict with holidays or other big events. The cool thing about this venue as that it is in the desert, the weather is almost always nice and sunny.
Sounds like Laughlin, Nevada. Also, sounds cool.
Would it be something you’d be interested in bringing your family to? Or just attending?
Haha. Its in Napa isn’t it? I was trying to calculate everywhere it could possibly be that is an hour from the two big airports and inclusive of all the stuff you mentioned. Even if its not, I like the idea. My wife is going to NOVA with me this year. It only really works because she has never been to D.C. and therefore has more widespread appeal.
If it is actually in Napa or Sonoma, you should talk to me, I grew up there.
It’s not, although that would be a beautiful place to hold an event. I went to High School my Freshmen year out in Napa, way back when!
That’s the idea, to have a fun weekend where everyone can come and enjoy themselves. The emphasis wouldn’t be necessarily on the tournament itself (although that would be the main part of it) but on a relaxing, gaming vacation.
Just throwing in my two cents:
1. I would love to meet some of the community painters and get some tips!
2. Guest speaker or active community member panel to geek out about one or more aspects of the game. Perhaps something contentious but informative?
3. Meet and Greet hobnob session outside of the game for players to meet each other and get to know one another. Maybe a grown up one (drinks?) and a family version as well.
Sounds like your working to make yourselves a “regular con”. 😉
i like the idea of taking the show on the road, my wife hates 40k but likes to travel. we can play anywhere, so pick a fun place. cheap is good. arrange other packaged activities for the whole group w easter eggs for winners. if you have a group you can sometimes get good deals going. adding the fam friendly side makes it easier for all of us to get permission to go. vegas? new orleans? amsterdam? lets tour the grand canyon… these spots have local talent that would show up too. cmon, im in. how bout some superheavies? 2500 pt side games?