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Mass Hysteria Over Impending 6th Ed 40k Grips the Gaming Community

So, it seems like people are really losing their heads over the coming changes. I admit, they sound awful to me too, at this point, but it is too soon to tell. I just think all of this chatter flying around the Web about quiting 40k may be a bit premature, is all.

We don’t know what we’re going to be getting just yet. All of these seemingly terrible changes may not actually be that bad in application. Or perhaps they may be. Only time will tell. For the time being, let’s all enjoy what remains of 5th Ed, keep an open mind to what may come and stay calm. If the worst comes to pass, there are plenty of options. If it turns out to be a change for the better, then you’ll be glad you didn’t sell all your stuff based on some little rumors!

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