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40K 6th Edition Rumors…

Rumor Stew! Mmmmmm.

Some new rumors on 40K, 6th ed via Tastey over at BoK and opinions on what we’re seeing.

So most of you have likely seen these rumors over at BoK, or related on BoLS.


I don’t know where to start.

My gut reaction is somewhere between panic and horror. As a competitively minded gamer, increased randomness in the game detracts from skill, which makes my desire to play it drop like a rock down an empty well shaft.

But then I think, hey, I am probably knee-jerking here. We don’t even know if these rumors are true….but then I realize that Tastey’s info is usually dead on the money.

So, the next thoughts through my head are: don’t judge a book by its cover. Wait and give the game a go before judging it too harshly. And that is what I will do, but I can say that all of the randomness being introduced into the game mechanics to make it more like Fantasy sounds soooooooooo unappealing to me. 40K has passed Fantasy in sales significantly, why on Earth then, would you take the more successful system and copy the less successful system with it? That seems like asking for failure.

Time will tell. For now though, I HOPE this isn’t true. Please don’t make this a game of just tossing dice, GW.

As for the Fluff progression? It’s good to see the game story moving forward. I will reserve judgement on that. If Mat Ward is writing the story, then we’re all F#(#%D. If Phil Kelly is writing it, then there’s a chance it will be really cool.

Allies and what not sounds cool, but anyone who played in 2nd ed knows how easily this breaks the game. The Dexes rules were not meant to crossed with one another, and the ease of finding game breaking combos is crazy. Again, we’ll have to wait and see what the actual rules allow, but if powers and such can cross over, good night.

We’ll just have to wait and see.

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