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WargamesCon Tyranid List Ideas

Fee, Fi, Fo, Fum, I smell the blood of a Grey Knight!

Here’s a Nid List idea I’ve been batting around for Wargamescon.

Tyranids 2000 Pts
Unit Description Size Cost
Tervigon A.Glands, Poison 1 195
Tervigon A.Glands, Poison 1 195
Genestealers Poison 18 306
Genestealers Poison 18 306
Hive Guard 3 150
Hive Guard 3 150
Ymgarl 8 184
Fast Attack
Heavy Support
Trygon Prime, Adrenal 1 250
Trygon Prime, Adrenal 1 250
Totals 54 1986

This list borrows a lot of ideas from Cooper Waddell’s (Coop Nasty as we call him!) list that won KingdomCon with some ideas I’ve developed over the years playing my Nids.

Prior to the Grey Knights codex release I was playing Nids more than any other army and having a lot of success with them. I love to play the army! Much like Footdar and Crons, Nids require a great deal of unit synergy and overlapping threats to win. Plus, Nids have a lot of speed, deployment options and you get mad style points if you quick someone’s ass with the least represented army in the game right now. And if you can’t win in style, why win at all? I’m kidding of course, but it is so much more fun to play with less common armies.

I was playing a triple Trygon list to really good effect, and then Grey Knights came out and took a dump right on that army. Stupid Grey Knights!

Cleansing Flame also makes a lot of wave tactics a lot less viable for Nids. I was playing without Tervigons, and now with the preponderance of the boys in silver, you have to plan for it. What that means is Feel No Pain. That helps to mitigate the wounds caused by Cleansing Flame, and then the Steelers do their thing and rip the Purifiers to pieces.

2 Tervigons and 2 Trygon Primes mean I should be able to cover a lot of the board with Shadows, which helps a lot with mitigating  psychic powers.

The only real problem is a Paladinstar. My thinking is that I would either have to play to objectives and ignore it, or gang bang it in one mass assault with my entire army and see how the chips fell.

Grey Knights aside, this list has the tools to to a lot of damage to any other list baring a fast mechanized shooty army like Mechdar or Mech Deldar. Fortunately, those armies aren’t that common and I think I could trust to luck to not draw them. If I did, Mech Deldar would require some reserve tactics (Deep Striking and Out Flanking) to catch and kill them, and Mechdar would be a direct assault. They lack the firepower Deldar does, and as such I believe that in most cases, you could chase them into a corner and then destroy them in assault before they could do enough damage to you to take the teeth out of your army.

The other benefit of this list is its crazy low kill point count. 9 is nothing, and all of the KPs are tough to get. Without having seen the WargamesCon missions, I can’t see how much of an advantage this will be, but if the missions are like the BAO or Adepticon, KPs will factor into all or most of them.

The Hive Guard just rock, and if not for the game winning potential of the Ymgarls, I would take 3×3 of them. Ymgarls are just so, so good. Every game I play with them they have a HUGE impact, I love them. Long Fangs? Peace out. Psyfilmen? Later. Lootas? Bye bye. They just own the backfield and can be such an intimidating unit as well.

Trygons obliterate vehicles and 90% of the infantry in the game. Their speed and decent shooting, plus deep strike capability makes them really versatile. If not for the sea of force weapons I am sure to see at WargamesCon, I would take 3.

The big bricks of Steelers are the sort of Swiss Army Knife of the army. With FnP, they can go toe to toe with damn near anything, and they can hurt anything. A brick that big will have little trouble with anything, and being a scoring unit on top of everything else really makes them a threat. I will experiment with squad sizes, but so far I really like the big units as I get a lot of mileage out of FnP, and I can pull off multi-assaults easier.

Tervigons need no introduction. They’re awesome and can provide so much flexibility to an army. Expensive, but really powerful force multipliers. The ability to spawn troops means they can and will win you the game. Keeping them safe is a priority and I would only run 1 if not for the odds that going second, a smart player will smoke 1 too easily.

With the terrain we’re hearing about at WargamesCon I think playing a shooty army won’t be so bad, and honestly, I have never really had trouble with IG or Wolves with Nids. It’s always been fast, shooty armies and Grey Knights that are problematic. With practice, I am confident that I can take this army and whip some arse. Although, I got my butt handed to me with Nids at the Slaughter in Space last year, so I don’t want to be overconfident. I need practice against tough lists to really polish my skill set off against a wide variety of lists. I am still thinking about taking the Mighty, Mighty Footdar out again, but they lose a bit of steam at 2K. 1500pts is their sweet spot, and I like variety, so I am thinking bugs it will be baring some crazy missions.

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