2015 ITC Event Results LVO 2016 Coastal Assault Coliseum of Comics ITC 40k December and January Contest of Champions November Hub-Con Bozeman ITC Tournament Empire Games January RTT Lords of War Gamer’s Paradise Winter RTT Brink of Doom Game Rave Full LVO Prep Willow’s Last Chance ITC Tournament Contest of Champions January 2016 DMB Brawl Rattler Cup Finals It Came From Out of the Basement Hobby Town Smackdown Christmas Madness Foodhammer ITC Event TSHFT Guardian Cup Lite 8.5 Brawl by Niagra Falls TBS Comics ITC Event Hat’s Games 40k Brawl GE Pasadena LVO Prep Souled Out Renegade Open GT Butchers of Bakersfield Left Over Rumble Boise Brawl MUGU Games January ITC Toledo Game Room GT Huzzah Hobbies November The Portal The Nowhere Open Road to War Death by Dice Imperial Outpost December Conflict Norwich Coliseum of Comics December Endgame Road to the LVO Dragon Fall-Champs Otto’s December ITC Event Bird Dog Invitational 40k RTT Flashback Comics and Games Otto’s October ITC RTT Warzone Atlanta 2015 Dragon’s Lair November ITC RTT Road to War Empire Games November ITC Game Vault December ITC RTT Power Hugs Huzzah Hobbies November ITC RTT Throne of War ITC RTT For the Children ITC Charity Event Salt Lake City Gladiator Games Terracrux 2 Salt River Rumble Death by Dice November Power Fists and Psykers 2 Otto’s November ITC Event Redstone Rumble The Harvester of Souls West Coast Team Challenge Doc’s B-Day Bash The Storm Surges! Edmonton Onslaught Dragon’s Lair October RTT Jolt Games October ITC Event Huzzah Hobbies October RTT Otto’s September ITC Event Council of 5 Nations Tournament Game Empire Pasadena October ITC ITC Halloween Smash Michigan GT Siege of Io No Mercy 3 RTT Know No Mercy GT Fundemonium September ITC Event Huzzah Hobbies September ITC Council of 5 Nations Prep Tournament Paladins Game Kastle ITC Event TSHFT August Tournament OP NOVA Open 40k Invitiational Game Empire San Diego August ITC Game Rave September ITC Gateway Gamers ITC Event Celesticon Captial City Bloodbath NOVA Open 40k Championships Macnarbs End of Summer Bash Gamers Paradise Summer GT Terracrux ITC Tournament Huzzah Hobbies August ITC Guardian Cup Lite 8.25 Contest of Champions EWLO MUGU Games August ITC RTT Hammer of Wrath GT Empire Games July ITC Event It Came From Out of the Basement Save vs. Summer GT Paladin’s Game Castle ITC RTT Iron Halo GT Otto’s August ITC RTT Dark Star GT BAO 2015 Gamer’s Paradise July ITC Event Wet Coast GT Game Empire Pasadena July RTT Huzzah Hobbies July RTT Bugeater GT Sector LV702 ITC Event Otto’s July TIC RTT Powerfists and Psykers And Books, Too RTT RAGECON RTT 2 at Crusader’s Retreat Not Another SoCal Event Huzzah Hobbies June RTT Wargames Con GE Pasadena BAO Prep Granite City WAAAGH! Fest No Mercy 2 Otto’s June RTT Huzzah Hobbies May RTT RTT at Crusader’s Retreat Clash of the Titans Game Empire Straight Shooter Tournament Guardian Cup 8: The Ocho Golden Gargant Scorched Earth Open May Bread-sticks Tournament Mobi Con Paladins Game Castle Summer Kickoff RTT Wolf Borthers Battleborn Skirmish Broadside Bash Otto’s May ITC RTT TBS Comics: Battle in the Warp Game Empire Pasadena May RTT Storm of Silence 2015 MacNarb’s 40k Championship Circuit April ITC Event Just a Games Con Huzzah Hobbies April ITC RTT Road to the BAO Tournament Gamer’s Paradise Spring GT Edmonton Onslaught Otto’s April ITC Event Game Empire Pasadena April ITC Event Great Escape Games March Contest of Champions ITC Game Empire San Diego March ITC Event Linebreaker’s Hignaldner ITC Event Assault on Kokoytos Otto’s March 40K ITC Event Gamer’s Paradise March 40k ITC Event Game Empire Pasadena ITC Event Game Empire Valentine’s Day Massacre March Madness Tournament Golden Sprue Cup V Barrie Bash 3 Las Vegas Open 2015 Highlander